Net-zero carbon future

Financing a net-zero carbon future

Black River Finance is a key enabler in the end-to-end carbon value chain, financing a net-zero carbon future.

Black River Finance is at the heart of a fair-share carbon value chain as manager and actor in the financing, development and selling of carbon credits.

Our specificity is that we reinvest the money generated in meaningful and impactful projects chosen in a cooperative way with the local stakeholders - local communities and governments. Therefore, we structure and channel cash flows towards high impact environmental solutions such as renewable energy, biochar, agroecology, support of new ventures,...

In other words we are actors in:

  • Carbon finance which is a branch of environmental finance that covers financial tools such as carbon emission trading to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases.
  • Carbon financing which we define as using the revenues generated by carbon finance to issue financial instruments such as Green Bonds and Green Sukuk that finance other sustainable and impactful projects.

We call it the virtuous carbon circle.

Black River Finance

Black River Finance is dedicated to the issuance of securities (green bonds, climate bonds, SDG bonds, green sukuk and more).

Institutional Investment Advisors

As institutional investment advisors, we work with international seasoned asset managers combining long track in leading institutions and high openness and willingness to bring the renewal in finance that is needed.

Investors who invest with us share our values of creating lasting impact through efficient processes because our conviction is that lasting impact and lasting return are strongly commingled.

Institutions that want to develop their carbon strategy come to us because of our integrated approach and the quality of the introduction with governments that are entrusted with large Carbon assets (Forest, Peatlands, Coastline).

Being present across the whole carbon value chain allows owners of carbon assets to:

  • Have a clear visibility on carbon valuation process
  • Have a one stop shop to ease monetization
  • Get a fair and transparent price as actor of the Carbon market
Net-zero carbon future

Why climate funds?

In 2015, the COP21 was organized in France and resulted in the adoption of the Paris Agreement. The latter marked a turning point in the fight against global warming with the setting of a goal of keeping warming below 2 degrees by 2100. In addition, the UN has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), number 13 of which is to combat climate change and its impact.

Thanks to our partner network, we are able to finance the development of your projects without you having to invest 100% of the CAPEX with our Climate Fund.
We work with project developers to ensure the most efficient project development cycle in terms of timing and quality.

Finance Verte

What is Green finance?

Green finance aims to accelerate sustainable development, energy transition and fight against global warming. It involves financing projects and companies that have a positive impact on the environment and work towards a sustainable and social economy.

Green finance is the set of financial activities, behaviors and regulations that pursue environmental and social objectives. In particular, it must facilitate the energy transition.

Green finance is a component of sustainable finance.

How are these funds managed?

The so called developed countries are responsible for 80% of accumulated GHG emissions, while the developing countries are both more affected and less resilient to global warming.
These funds aim to transfer funds from the most advanced countries to the most vulnerable countries in order to set up projects to combat the effects of climate change or to adapt to climate change.

There are also, although still quite rare, "green bonds and sukuks" funds. Green bonds and sukuks are bonds (debt securities) issued on the market by companies, SPVs and governments that wish to finance a project related to the ecological transition. Unlike traditional bonds, these sums are specifically earmarked for "green" projects, the issuer is committed to them and publishes an annual report to account to investors. It must ensure the transparency of operations. It can detail the amounts allocated to each project and, once the projects are completed, the projected avoided emissions.

As the market has developed strongly in recent years, green bond funds are now available to most individuals. This type of fund is designed as a sustainable financing structure to help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to climate change. Examples could be financing the protection of tropical forests or sharing green technologies.