Yahuma Sud REDD+

The Yahuma Sud REDD+ project is a Nature-based solution project managed by CO-Neutral Partners.

The conservation of the Yahuma Sud concession protects a Sub-Managed Area (SMA) located in the heart of the African equatorial forest, in the North of the DRC within the Tshopo province. It perpetuates a pioneering management of natural resources and local development by the KFBS, the project leader, replacing planned logging by conservation measures and promoting the integration of improved forestry management practices.


By reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, it maximizes synergies between the three Earth Summit Conventions.

In effect, this project, based on carbon offset results, mitigates climate change, protects species of the most biologically diverse continental ecosystem, protects the most fragile soils from desertification, while providing income to some of the most marginalized communities in the world economy. It is part of the REDD+ mechanism, like the Emission Reduction Program (ERP) initiated by the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) in the Mai-Ndombe Province of the DRC.

Below you will find some facts about this project and how it is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations:

Impact primary assessment:

SDG 1 – No poverty

SDG1 – No poverty:

KFBS is very concerned by the dependency of the local population in both provinces of Tshopo and Mai-Ndombe due to the size of its concessions. The jobs are created directly in the various sectors of Agriculture and Guard/Protection of the Concessions. Other jobs are created or financed indirectly with the companies partnering with KFBS.

SDG 2 – Zero hunger

SDG2 – Zero hunger:

KFBS intends to develop alternative job opportunities in the field of Sustainable Agriculture, not only maintaining but also increasing work opportunities resulting from the former exploitation and current conservation of the concessions.

SDG 3 – Good health and well-being

SDG 3 – Good health and well-being:

KFBS finances health centers in each of its concession and shall invest in Yahuma Sud’s medical infrastructure.

SDG 4 – Quality education

SDG 4 – Quality education:

KFBS finances primary and secondary schools in its concessions and shall invest in Yahuma Sud’s education sector.

SDG 5 – Gender Equality

SDG 5 – Gender Equality:

Mandatory girls schooling shall be promoted while the role of women is to be reinforced in agricultural marketing processes, consolidating local communities’ economy.

SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy:

Improved stoves halve firewood extraction, preferably sourced from agroforestry on degraded land. Meanwhile, KFBS and CO-Neutral Partners, both want to invest in the production of renewable energy with a preference towards Waste to Energy, Biomass and Mini-Hydropower.

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth:

The project shall employ dozens of direct beneficiaries over 20 years in all sectors of the economy, capacitating communities in leveraging their own professional projects. Local contributors to the project’s certification have been recruited as equity partners in the local affiliated company instead of as consultant or employee. This translates into a substantial opportunity which capacitates them to become a proof of concept in terms of local middle class out of the Economic transition and Carbon finance.

SDG 10 – Reducing Inequality

SDG 10 – Reducing Inequality:

Investing directly and indirectly in some of the world-economy’s most isolated communities, the project fosters local workforce and expertise in favour of a fair global development model. Knowledge transfer in key environmental domains also reinforce local competitivity in the face of current global natural and human crises.

SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities:

Settlements of KFBS’ concession sites beneficiate from enhanced construction, energy and logistical infrastructures, as compared to the rest of the DRC. Sustainable agriculture and Renewable energy programs render communities more sustainable and eventually free from dependencies prone to forest resources depletion.

SDG 13 – Climate Action

SDG 13 – Climate Action:

This is the most evident contribution of the project embodied by the preservation of a huge nature-based carbon sequestration tool, the tropical forest concessions of KFBS themselves. Yahuma Sud REDD+ saves 3,5 million tonnes CO2 equivalent of forest annually.

SDG 15 – Life on land

SDG 15 – Life on land:

The concession’s rich biodiversity is protected by various safeguards. A conservation program involving eco-rangers backs up the newly sanctified endemic species, whose status earns added value standing thanks to the project. Locals also refrain from rural exodus with improving rural living conditions, conserving their forest cultures.

SDG 17 – Partnership for the goal

SDG 17 – Partnership for the goal:

Developed by an international partnership between North and South stakeholders, entrepreneurs from the primary, secondary and service sectors, public entities ranging from customary chiefs up to national authorities and NGO’s, the project at Yahuma Sud epitomises REDD+ ambitions for inclusive nature-based solutions to the environmental crisis. KFBS and its partner intend to develop further partnerships to make their ecosystem more stable, efficient and open.